
Sound Off on Psych MedsAdvocating for prudent medication use

Youth rates of antipsychotic use tripled in the US between 1996 and 2005.

Researchers evaluated a database that annually samples between 23,000-35,000 people. They compared antipsychotic use in 1996-1997 to antipsychotic use in 2004-2005.  They also examined the characteristics of antipsychotic users. In the eight years studied, the number of youth (< 18 years) receiving antipsychotic medications tripled. In addition, there was a doubling in the percentage of youth on antipsychotics − from 7% in 1996-1997 to 15% by 2005.

From the source:

“Increasing understanding about the marginal efficacy and side effect risks of newer and more expensive antipsychotic agents, even when prescribed as indicated, suggests that the dramatic increase in use warrants careful attention.”


Antipsychotic medication, Children’s mental health


Domino ME, Swartz MS. Who are the new users of antipsychotic medications? Psychiatric Serv. 2008; 59(5):507-514.