
Sound Off on Psych MedsAdvocating for prudent medication use

Large numbers of very young children enrolled in Medicaid are being prescribed antipsychotic medications.

During a one year period (7/1/03- 6/30/04) , investigators examined Florida Medicaid data, identifying 528 children under the age of 6 taking…

The percentage of American children 2-5 years old using antipsychotic medication doubled between 1999 and 2007.

Researchers examined pharmacy claim data from more than 150 employers. Participants were all privately insured children aged 2 to 5 years old…

25% of children on atypical antipsychotic medication are less than nine years old, even though researchers know little about their long-term effects on the developing brain.

Researchers studied atypical antipsychotic drug use in an outpatient prescription claims database of 6,213,824 people during a one-year period − January-December 2001….

Psychotropic drug use is much higher in American youth compared to other countries.

Researchers examined insurance claims data for privately insured youth 0–19 years old in the Netherlands, Germany and the United States. The yearly…

Youth rates of antipsychotic use tripled in the US between 1996 and 2005.

Researchers evaluated a database that annually samples between 23,000-35,000 people. They compared antipsychotic use in 1996-1997 to antipsychotic use in 2004-2005.  They…

There was a 500% increase in the number of doctor’s visits where children received prescriptions for antipsychotic drugs between 1993 and 2002.

Researchers examined data on youth aged 0 to 20 years collected in the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NMCS) over ten years (1993 through 2002)….